Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stop Smoking Benefits - 10 More Reasons To Quit Smoking

There are many benefits to stopping smoking. Most of the benefits are reductions in the risk of developing some disease or other. These benefits are the reason why you should stop smoking. They wont in themselves help you stop smoking but they will provide you with motivation to go on and learn how to stop smoking successfully.

Stop smoking benefit #1: When you smoke, the cocktail of hot gases and chemicals found in cigarette smoke damages your body. There are 4,000 of them in all! As a result, if you fall ill, you take longer to recover and/or heal. Stopping smoking will significantly improve your ability to fight disease.

Stop smoking benefit #2: Smoking causes damage to your mouth and gums. Smokers are more likely to suffer from 'acute necrotising and ulcerative gingivitis' (diseased gums) which increases the risk of tooth loss and gives you bad breath amongst other things. Urgh!

Stop smoking benefit #3: Smokers are 20 times more likely to suffer from angina than non-smokers.

Stop smoking benefit #4: Want to keep your eyesight? Smokers run twice the risk of developing cataracts when compared to non-smokers. Smokers are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and therefore diabetic retinopathy - the degeneration of the retina, leading to blindness. They are also twice as likely to suffer from macular degeneration of the eyes and amblyopia (loss of sight).

Stop smoking benefit #5: Hey stud! Men who smoke increase the risk suffering from erectile dysfunction, reduced ejaculate volume, reduced sperm counts and deformed, damaged or dead sperm. Basically, smoking is a good way to increase your chances of being impotent! Reduce your risks by stopping smoking as soon as possible.

Stop smoking benefit #6: Hey good looking! Smokers run twice the risk of suffering from psoriasis and skin wrinkling. Free radicals found in cigarette smoke damage skin tissues and reduce their elasticity more rapidly than non-smokers. This is why long-term smokers tend to look older and have a poorer complexion than non-smokers.

Stop smoking benefit #7: Cancer anyone? Smokers run an elevated risk of developing lung cancer. They also have a disproportionately high risk of developing throat, oesophageal, bladder, kidney, stomach, pancreatic, mouth and tongue and lip cancers!

Stop smoking benefit #8: 45% of all duodenum or stomach ulcers are found in smokers. Nicotine interacts with the parasympathetic nervous system (the automatic bit) and relaxes the stomach sphincters, allowing stomach excess into the oesophagus (heartburn) and the duodenum.

Stop smoking benefit #9: An aortic aneurism is the ballooning of the aorta which can result in it rupturing which leads to massive internal bleeding and quick, certain death. Smokers suffer 57% of all aortic aneurisms.

Stop smoking benefit #10: Stick around! Did you know that people who smoke between 1 and 14 cigarettes per day are 8 times more likely to die early when compared to non-smokers.. Smokers on 15 to 25 cigarettes per day are 13 times more likely to die early compared to non-smokers. Smokers who smoke over 25 cigarettes per day are 25 times more likely to die early!

Finally, there is a Japanese proverb that says "fall down seven times, get up eight". Stopping smoking is just like that too. You have to keep trying to stop. My advice as ever is never quit trying to quit.

Why do people try to quit smoking before they know how to quit smoking? Pete Howells is the author of the EasyQuit System available only online at He also blogs, post articles and videos at and at

Stop Smoking E Cards
Helpful Tips For Quitting Smoking
Second Hand Smoke Ads
Stop Smoking Signs
Graphs On Teen Smoking
Second Hand Smoke Research
Benefits Of Quit Smoking
Duration Of Withdrawal Symptoms
Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms
Magazine Smoking Ads

How To Have A Relationship With A Smoker Until They're Ready To Quit Smoking

Air is a requirement for life, so you definitely want it if you're looking to stay alive, but is it possible to have someone in your life that you can love if they have the smoking habit? Should you just say "no" to a relationship or give it a try?

If you really like this person and believe you would like them in your life you definitely have to discuss up front the possibilities and the ground rules that are tolerable and workable for a relationship as they pertain to the smoking habit.

For example, if you are allergic to smoke, you don't want the smoke in your house. You can discuss with your potential partner your physical needs and see if this person is willing to structure boundaries for the habit. First, is this person willing to smoke outside the home 100 percent of the time, not just sometimes?

What will happen when the weather is ugly and it would be more convenient to light-up in the house?

You will know if that person will really consider you and do the right thing for your personal well-being if they're willing to smoke outside even if it's freezing cold.

Next, what will be the restrictions and problems if you take a drive in the car. Ask if you can agree that there will not be any smoking in your car because you will not be able to tolerate the cigarette smells if they stay in you car. They will stay in your car if you allow them. Cigarettes get in your house, your car, and for those of us sensitive to smoke and odors, it gets in your hair and you want to puke.

You can just smell it on your hair and it's awful.

What do you do when someone wants to kiss you and they smoke? They have to know that as much as you might find them attractive or sexy, you cannot handle the smell of the cigarettes on their breath. The cigarette smell is a real turn-off. Let your partner keep a small toothbrush and toothpaste available to keep the cigarette smoking from interfering with more part of your relationship.

Making each other special in a relationship is about both parties considering each other. This also means that the non-smoker should look for ways to consider the smoker when it comes to fresh breath, cleanliness, and other considerate acts.

As a relationship progresses and your love for this person grows you should explore the reasons why the person smokes and even work toward helping your partner reduce the number of cigarettes smoked or help with ideas on quitting.

In the last two weeks, my partner has been trying a medication called "Chantrix" to help him stop smoking. As the days progress, the medication lets his brain know that the cigarettes don't taste good and it's been helping him cut down and should help him quit. I'm extremely excited because I love him and want him to be around for a long time. He hasn't had any side effects and he's cut his smoking in half. I'll keep you posted.

Lori Wilk, MBA is the host of internet talk show "Successipes" at

The program offers recipes for success in business and living. Lori is a motivational speaker who makes daily presentations on the Las Vegas Strip. She's an author of self-help and business books, trainer, and business consultant.

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Free Stop Smoking Information
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Fact About Cigarette Smoking
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